Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Want to Remember Something?


Students everywhere want to use technology and use it ALL THE TIME.  However, the lastest research shows that students who take notes the old fashion way learn it better!

Why is this so?  For one thing, technology can be very distracting.  When you are on tech, it's easy to switch over to another site and just "check it out" while you are learning something new.  This causes your brain to become less focused and more easily distracted in the learning process.

In addition, when you are taking notes and/or learning something new, writing by hand slows down the brain to become more focused which will in turn make it easier to remember.  The brain will be able to retain the information in greater detail, especially if the notes are put into your own words.

Often when we are typing, our brains are moving at such a faster rate that the brain cannot keep up with all the new information that is being taken in.

So, do you want to remember something new?  Make sure to WRITE IT DOWN by HAND!  

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