Thursday, January 1, 2015

Get Those Kids Moving

As I stated yesterday on my Facebook page, it's critical to get our students moving especially after a break.  Here are 10 quick ways to add movement in your classroom!

  • Keep it Up-  Have students stop "working" and quickly play a game of beach ball volleyball.  Have students toss around a beach ball around the classroom not allowing it to hit the ground.
  • Stand Up-  As you are teaching new information, have students who are answering questions stand up if they know the answer.  Make sure to wait a few minutes to allow other students to come up with the answer as well.
  • Task Card Rotation-  Need to review some information you taught prior to the break?  Create task cards for students to practice these skills.  Put a variety of different task cards in various spots in the classroom (set up like centers) and have the students move around answering the questions.
  • Surf the Web- Go to  It has great brain break activities.
  • Core Fitness-  When you notice you are losing your students, stop and get them out of their seat doing any type of core fitness- sit ups, push-ups, wall sits, jumping jacks, and/or lunges.  Get that blood flowing!
  • Dance Party-  Students love to dance even in 6th grade!  Play a current song and have a dance off.  Do it weekly and give out prizes!
  • Whistle While They Work-  Need the classroom picked up?  Have the students whistle to a song while they clean up!
  • Charades- Have students act out concepts being taught in the classroom.  Great for visual learners!
  • Power Walk-  Put those coats on and head outside for a quick power walk!  Even 10 minutes will help students refocus!
  • Mindfulness Activity-  Sometimes, students are stressed out when they get back from their vacation.  Teaching students deep breathing techniques can help them learn how to deal with pressure and stress.  

I hope these give you some fun new ways to add movement to your classroom!
Happy 2015!

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